Importance of Customer Communication After SaaS Lifetime Deal

Importance of Customer Communication After SaaS Lifetime Deal

Do not stop communicating with your Customers about your product.  Lifetime Deal is a high-intense period where SaaS Founders educate, engage, and help their audience understand their product every day. Sustaining such customer communication after closing your Lifetime Deal is equally important. It ensures that your customers continue to stay engaged with your product. However,…

Running a Lifetime Deal for Established and Matured SaaS Products: Yes or No?

Running a Lifetime Deal for Established and Matured SaaS Products: Yes or No?

Running a SaaS Lifetime Deal is a great strategy to get early adopters for your SaaS product.  All you need is a Minimum Viable Product.  However, the scope of a LIfeitme Deal extends beyond just validating your MVP. With that context, many SaaS Founders may be missing out on this incredible marketing channel.  It is…

How to Avoid Losing Monthly Subscribers to Lifetime Deals?

How to Avoid Losing Monthly Subscribers to Lifetime Deals?

Lifetime deals are popular with customers who want to save some money and simplify their lives.  However, your organic SaaS monthly subscribers may not feel positive about a potential Lifetime Deal on a tool that they have been paying month after month to use.  If you do not plan your lifetime deal campaign properly in…

Why Run a Lifetime Deal when it’s NOT a Sustainable Revenue Model?

Why Run a Lifetime Deal when it’s NOT a Sustainable Revenue Model?

For many software companies, running a lifetime deal is a great way to generate quick revenue and increase brand recognition. But is it really a sustainable business model? On paper, it may seem like the perfect solution; however, the underlying benefits of a lifetime deal might not be so clear-cut. So why should a SaaS…

Could Running a Lifetime Deal Increase Your ongoing Business Costs?

Could Running a Lifetime Deal Increase Your ongoing Business Costs?

Lifetime deals can provide a way to increase business revenue, but is it worth the cost? We’ve all heard stories of how businesses cannot sustain the long-term costs associated with lifetime deals. But could running a lifetime deal actually help you reduce your long-term costs and increase profitability? Today we will take a closer look…

Does Running a Lifetime Deal Affect Your Long-Term SaaS Brand Value?

Does Running a Lifetime Deal Affect Your Long-Term SaaS Brand Value?

SaaS founders and product marketers are well aware of the massive benefits a lifetime access deal can bring to a SaaS startup. The rewards of a lifetime deal often extend beyond the obvious benefits. Since they are a powerful tool to see quick growth in the short term, they may sound too good to be…

Should You Add all the New Features Requested by Lifetime Deal Customers?

Should You Add all the New Features Requested by Lifetime Deal Customers?

It’s no surprise that Lifetime Deal users are keen to get the most out of their Lifetime purchases. They want to see improvements and new features for increased value addition. SaaS startups that run lifetime deals usually deal with an influx of user signups, feedback, and particularly feature requests from their LTD customers. These can…

How to Generate Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) with Lifetime Deal Customers?

How to Generate Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) with Lifetime Deal Customers?

The success of a SaaS startup is in its ability to create steady recurring revenue.  SaaS startups find ways to monetize long-term customer relationships with strategies such as offering lifetime deals. However, B2B SaaS businesses need to take the right approach if they are to generate recurring revenue from their Lifetime Deal users.  How to…

How long is the Ideal Duration to Run a Lifetime Deal Campaign?

How long is the Ideal Duration to Run a Lifetime Deal Campaign?

There is a popular saying among the lifetime deal community of SaaS founders and marketers. Do it once, and do it right. If you are considering running a lifetime deal for your SaaS tool, do not overlook your campaign duration. Your deal campaign duration has a strategic value that can maximize the impact of your…

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